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CHM682A: Modern Chemistry and Applications of Lanthanides

Course Description

Sir William Crookes, in an address to the Royal Society, 1887 quoted Lanthanons – these elements perplex us in our researches, baffle us in our speculations, and haunt us in our very dreams. They stretch like an unknown sea before us; mocking, mystifying and murmuring strange revelations and possibilities.”

The lanthanides La–Lu (Ln), also called ‘rare earth elements (REEs)’ when grouped with Sc and Y, and actinide Ac–Lr (An) elements are critical in modern life and technology with applications ranging from medicine to smartphones, wind turbines to electric vehicles and space probes to nuclear power. Despite their critical and irreplaceable nature in many aspects of modern life, f-element chemistry often receives little or no mention in the modern chemistry curriculum.

This multidisciplinary course will cover the fundamental and modern applied aspects of chemistry and reactivity of lanthanides (Ln) as f-block lements. Topis:  Fundamental descriptive chemistries, electronic structures, Why REEs are unique than other metals, coordination chemistry, physicochemical, magnetic and photophysical properties, separations chemistry, supply problems, recycling and sustainability.

We will focus on roles of REEs in various modern applications: Clean energy, catalysis, magnetism, MRI, luminescent bioprobes in biology, optical sensors and their design aspects.

Upon completion of the course, students were expected to gain understanding of the unique chemical and physical characteristics of f-element compounds, the role of the elements in modern applications and creative to bring in new research problems to integratein their studies or research.


Course Content

See the First Course Handout (FCH)

Course Audience

DE/OE for BS, BS-MS, B.Tech, M.Sc. and Ph.D. students with sound knowledge in Basic Concepts in Inorganic Chemistry and General Chemistry at UG level.

CHM102A-General Chemistry

Desirable other preceding courses:

CHM242A-Basic Inorganic Chemistry

CHM441A-Inorganic Chemistry-I



Outcomes of this Course

  • The course is designed to prepare students to have a knowledge of the fundamental and applied chemistry of Lanthanides or Rare Earth Elements (REE)
  • Understanding of the unique, and very distinct chemical and physical characteristics of f-element compounds. Introduction, critical uses & importance, electronic structure, chemical bonding, coordination chemistry, magnetic, and photophysical properties.
  • To realize and evaluate the opportunity of lanthanides' critical applications: Clean energy technologies, Bio-imaging probes, sensing, magnetic properties and applications, catalytic applications, Lanthanide in bioinorganic chemistry.