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COM200: Communication Skills: Composition

Course Content



1.  Objectives: To enable junior undergraduate students to understand basics of written communication in academic and professional contexts  


2.  Prerequisites: NONE


3. Course Contents:


Module 1 - Introduction to words:word derivation; context sensitivity in word meaning; synonyms and antonyms; homonyms; homophones; pronunciation of same spelling words according to the context; vocabulary building techniques; using a thesaurus for choosing a proper word; euphemistic words and collocations; using idiomatic expressions


Module 2 - Introduction to sentences:  constructing grammatically correct sentences; use of appropriate articles, tenses, parallelism, agreement and modifiers; correcting incorrect sentences; use of active, passive, direct and indirect speech; improving a sentence with an alternate word or an alternate structure; simplifying and building complex sentences


Module 3 - Mind mapping and idea organisation:  reading skills and techniques; reading comprehension; deciphering an idea – may include giving title to a written paragraph; identifying thematically incoherent sentences in a paragraph; rewriting a paragraph in one’s own words (paraphrasing); organising and presenting ideas in a logical sequence; understanding structure of arguments; common flaws in argumentation; coherence of composition; correcting jumbled paragraphs


Module 4 - Paragraph writing:  Guided composition; writing within a word/sentence limit; Editing with alternate words/phrases; situational writing; developing appropriate arguments in composing a paragraph


Module 5 - Story/ Essay/Thematic/Narrative/Scientific writing

4.  Lecture, Tutorial & Lab Schedule & Venue

Lecture: Two lectures to be posted on mooKIT every week

Lab/ Tutorial: Tuesdays 10-11.50am on mooKIT(only one hour)

Self-study hour

5.  Mode of contact:Lectures and tutorial assignments will be discussed by tutors. Contact your tutor for any queries.

6.  Evaluation Components & Policies:

Every week there will be an assignment. Together assignments will carry 50% weight. Mid-Sem will carry 20%and the end sem 30% weight. Assignments have tobe completed during the slot assigned to you. Attending the end sem exam is compulsory. Aggregate 40% needed for ‘S’ grade

7. Course Policies: No make-up for lab assignments; Mid-Sem make-up only on valid medical grounds; End-Sem make-up only with the permission of SUGC/DOAA


All forms of academic dishonesty (including but not limited to sharing lab assignments with others, copying from web sources, cheating in exams) will result in strict punishment in line with DOAA guidelines


8.  Books & References:


  • Anderson, P. V. (2014). Technical communication. Delhi: Cengage.
  • Reinking, J. A. &Osten, R. (2005). Strategies for successful writing. Prentice Hall: New York.
  • Grabe, W. (2009). Reading in a second language: Moving from theory to practice. Cambridge University Press: New York.
  • Greenlaw, R. (2012). Technical Writing, Presentation Skills, and Online Communication: Professional Tools and Insights. Information Science Reference: Pennsylvania.
  • English Composition – I, Saylor Academy,