Feature Updates

The following are the updates made to the HelloIITK portal based on feedback from instructors and students since September 2020

  1. More Time Options for Timed Quiz
    • For Timed Quiz  5, 10,15, 20, 25 & 30 minutes are also available in addition to the earlier options - 45 min, 1 hr, 1 hr 30 min, and 2 hr.
  2. More Time Options for DAP Students for Timed Quiz
    • As per policy DAP Students require 20 extra minutes for each hr of an assessment period. Extra time for the DAP students can be selected from the drop-down menu - 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, 1 hr, 1hr 30 min, 2 hr
  3. Negative Marks in Quiz 
    • Now, negative marks for each question can be entered manually. For example, it can be 0.25 or 0.5 and so on. In case of no negative marking zero needs to be entered.
  4. Quiz Preview
    • A quiz can be previewed from Instructor’s Interface after it is created.
  5. Timer for Assessments
    • A countdown timer is now visible to the student in all modules of assessments - quizzes, exams, assignments. The timer color changes from black to red in the extra time provided by the platform for submission after the End Date.
  6. Randomize Quiz Questions
    • Quiz questions can be randomized (options randomized by default) from a question bank.
  7. “Quiz/ Exam/ Assignment “Saved” Pop Up 
    • In the file-upload type of assessments, after choosing and uploading the file when it is saved, the student is informed by a pop-up message that the file has been saved. The next step after saving the file is to Submit It.
  8. Two More Question Types (Descriptive and Fill-in-the-blanks) in the Quiz Module
    • The Quiz Module of Assessments now has Descriptive and Fill-in-the-blanks types of questions in addition to the Multiple Choice Questions and True/False type questions available earlier
    • Fill-in-the-blanks type of question currently accepts only one correct answer. And marks are given only if the student’s answer matches with the answer provided by the instructor.
    • For “Descriptive Question,” students can type the answer in the provided box or can upload a file.
  9. File Submission by Instructor on Behalf of the Student 
    • For the file-upload type of questions in Assignment & Exams, if a student is not able to save the file within the time limit then the instructor can submit (student needs to send the file by email) in the course on the mooKIT platform using the button “Upload Answer on Behalf of Student.” 
  10. Different Marks for Each Question
    • Marks can be separately set for each question in the Quiz. 
  11. Time-Stamping of Submissions in Assignment/ Quiz/ Exam
    • To compensate for slow connectivity issues, the platform allows file uploads for quizzes, assignments, and exams, for 10 minutes after the due time. 
    • The Instructor can see the following timestamps:
    • For Assignments and Exams  --- Upload time (last file)  and Submit time
    • For Quizzes -- Submit time
  12. “Skip” Button for Videos on mooKIT Server
    • The 5 second forward and backward skip buttons are added for watching lectures (uploaded on the mooKIT platform).
  13. mooKIT Symbol in Lecture Video Removed
    • The mooKIT symbol in the video box which sometimes covered the lecture content of 16:9 slides has been removed.
  14. Transcoding of Videos Uploaded on mooKIT 16 Sept 2020
    • The lecture videos uploaded on the mooKIT platform are transcoded automatically and mail is sent to the instructor once transcoding is over.
  15. More Student Data (Roll No., Dept. and Section) Added in Learner’s Activity
    • Roll Number, Department & Section information is added in the analytics section. The excel file can be sorted for these after downloading.
  16. LaTeX Support
    • LaTeX is supported throughout the platform. Instructors can add LaTeX text in announcements, resources, quizzes, assignments, exams, in-video questions, and surveys. 
  17. Individual Quiz Result Download
    • The quiz result for each quiz can be downloaded from the quiz section of Instructor’s Interface. The steps are: Instructor’s Interface -> Assessments -> Quiz-> Select the Quiz -> Quiz Results -> Click on “Download Results”
  18. “Saved” Quiz Submission by the Instructor
    • Any saved quiz beyond the submission deadline, i.e., in the time provided by the mooKIT platform, can be submitted by the instructor after the Due Date for the DAP students. This can be done by clicking on the button “Submit all the saved quizzes” under the “Quiz Results” section.
  19. Download the Responses for In-video Question
    • The in-video questions can be created back to back. The responses for each question can be downloaded by using the button “Download Answers.” The step are: Instructor’s Interface -> Lecture -> select a lecture title -> In-Video Questions -> Answers -> Download Answers
  20. After Grading Return to the Samepage
    • Now, the “Go back to the results page” button on the View -Answer page in the Quiz takes back to the same page and not to the first page.
  21. Student Personal Information Added in View Answer Page
    • The View-Answer page in the Quiz also shows the following information of the student: Name, Roll Number, Email,  Score, Starting Time & Submitted Time
  22. Warning Pop-Up for Retake option in Quiz
    • A warning message informing that only the last retake will be counted for grading is given on attempting the retake of a Quiz.
  23. Warning Pop-Up for Auto Submission at the End in Timed Quiz
    • A warning message -  the time is up and the exam will be submitted -  after the End Time of Quiz is given to the student.
  24. Option to Publish/Unpublish resources
    • An option to unpublish or publish all the uploaded resources is now added.
  25. Zoom Integration with mooKIT for Hello IITK
    • ZOOM meetings can be created and started from the “Manage Course” section and later attendance and meeting details can be also accessed from the course itself.
  26. Download/Uploaded Files (student submissions) in One-Go
    • Option to download assignment answers and exam answers in one go are added
  27. In Learner’s Activity (Analytics) added information about Forum Activity of each user 
    • Total Forums Posted
    • Total Comments Posted
  28. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​Manual Entry of Time for Timed Quizzes
    • Any time (instead of selecting from the options in the drop-down menu) can be entered manually for a timed quiz.