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Course Description

1.  Objectives:

 To enable students to use English to communicate fluently in familiar situations, read texts of medium level of difficulty and write short coherent texts on familiar topics.

Course Content

2.  Lecture and Tutorial Schedule:

Lecture: Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 9.00-9.50am

Tutorial: Wednesday 9.00-9.50am

Zoom links for the lectures and tutorials will be posted on mooKIT under ‘Resources’/ ’Announcements’

3.  Mode of contact:  emails, discussion forum on mooKIT


4.  Evaluation Components:

Continuous assessments: 50%

Mid-Sem: 20%

End-Sem: 30%


5. Course Policies:

Participation in each class is mandatory. Continuous assessments are conducted randomly and will not be repeated.


Mid-Sem and assignments make-up only on valid medical grounds; End-Sem make-up only with the permission of DOAA.


Attending End-Sem exam is mandatory to pass the course.


All forms of academic dishonesty (including but not limited to sharing lab assignments with others, copying from web sources, cheating in exams) will result in strict punishment in line with DOAA guidelines.


Course Audience

I Year, I Semester Students

Outcomes of this Course

The students will be able to use English to communicate fluently in familiar situations, read texts of medium level of difficulty and write short coherent texts on familiar topics.